This way you will only find Pokémon level 50 and up, which only includes the dogs.
Your best bet is to set a Level 49 Pokémon first. All of the dogs are level 50, and Max Repel scares away any Pokémon with a level even with or lower than your starter.
Go to your "Team" and set it so that your first Pokémon is lower than level 50.
Chose a Pokémon level 49 or lower as your starter. Max Repels work for roughly 250 paces before you need to use a new one. This means that the only Pokémon you will encounter, if you encounter anything, is a Legendary Dog. Repels keep weak Pokémon from attacking you, but the Legendary Dogs will ignore it. You can also ride the bike to move around faster. Find a route with a lot of grass and weak Pokémon, such as Pewter City, Route 2, or Route 7, and start walking randomly through the small shrubs. The dogs are found by walking through the high grass, just like any other Pokémon. There are, however, some tricks to reveal them. Every single time you enter a building, start a battle, or change regions the dog's location on the map will change, making them incredibly difficult to find. Unlike other Legendary Pokémon, the dogs do not appear in one set place and wait for you to find them. Understand that the dogs move randomly. You must return to Professor Oak's house at the beginning of the game to get your national Pokédex. Once you have this and the Elite Four are eliminated you will be able to find the dogs.
After you have caught or trained 60 unique Pokémon, Professor Oak will grant you the National Pokédex.
Earn your national Pokédex by catching 60 types of Pokémon. Counter with Electric, Dragon, and Ice Pokémon. Counter with Flying, Psychic, Fighting, Steel, Grass, and Water Pokémon. Counter with Fire, Fighting, Grass, and Electric Pokémon. The Elite 4 covers a wide variety of Pokémon, and each of the 4 trainers has a specialty you need to counter:. You will need several Pokémon around Level 50 to beat the Elite Four, and these Pokémon should be strong enough to capture the dogs too. You can only fight the Elite Four after collecting every gym badge. The final bosses of the game, the Elite Four, must be conquered in order to reveal the Legendary Dogs. Charmander starters can capture water dog Suicune. Bulbasaur starters can capture fire dog Entei. Squirtle starters can capture lightning dog Raikou. You will only be able to capture one dog per, and that depends on the Pokémon you started with: In order to keep you from running into the dogs when you are too weak to fight them, the Legendary Dogs will not enter the game until you have progressed near the end of the game. Know that your specific Legendary Dog will only appear after certain conditions are met.